Usable amount of the Big Sandy Superstore Arena bond: $4.7mil
Amount the last seating bid went for: $3.8mil
Amount the new seating bid went for: $2.4mil
Estimated amount needed for boiler work: $1mil
Anticipated total of main infrastructure work: $3.4mil
Money left over: $1.3mil
Money that was supposed to go to hockey/ice stuff: $0.3mil
We. Have. An. Extra. Million. Dollars.
If everything goes well with the city of course--the new seating bid is going to the Finance Committee next week, to be prepped for second reading (and possible approval?) the week after.
Let me take this time to apologize profusely for the lack of updates; this page is basically a one-man operation, and unfortunately that man lives on the wrong side of the state. Even when I was in Huntington this occupied a tremendous amount of mental resources, and the physical separation has only made things worse; the historical aspect of this page has ground to a halt, and the up and down nature of following municipal shenanigans--especially being basically powerless to do anything with it--has been, and I hope I don't sound too hyperbolic, but it has been very psychologically taxing on top of everything else I've been dealing with in my life. This appears to be a good sign, and in the time I've been following this there have been so many good signs that have just as quickly been snuffed out; this may be the one we need to really take matters into our own hands.
In the time that I've lived, and observed life, in Huntington I've found that the best parts of the city are those that are created with as little input from municipal government as possible. This is simply the reality of dealing with a particularly ineffective body of government that is at best preoccupied with other matters (like the legality of a city income tax) and at worst stuck in total gridlock (much of David Felinton's first term). With this endeavor we are unfortunately forced to work within the constraints of this municipal government, since it is a city-owned property that games would be played at. When an opening presents itself to be proactive and guide things ourselves... well, we've gotta take advantage of it kids!