First off, you'll notice a couple new things, don't be alarmed. I've added ads on here, so apologies for the newfound clutter in the name of trying to gather an extra quarter here or there. I also have a little sidebar there that shows who comes here from where. This was something I noticed from a friend of mine who's taken to visualizing her Feedjit display on a map for her art exhibition; I thought "hey, this looks neat, I'll put it on my page".
While I'm working on my attendance geekery, props to perhaps the greatest attendance geek of them all, the one the only Hans Hornstein, who's been keeping track of hockey attendance for over a decade, including the last two seasons of Blizzard hockey.
One thing I'm going to look at with this is something originally done in an academic study in the Journal of Sports Management (yes, such a thing exists!), April 2006 edition, where they plotted out a curve determining how long it would take for attendance of a particular minor league baseball expansion team to drop to an unsustainable level (Those of you who can access it--I'm looking at you, Marshall students out there--can read the whole thing here.)! While such an analysis seems a tick pyrrhic, it could certainly be extrapolated into hockey.
Lastly, a news item that may interest quite a few--the SPHL is in Pensacola with an expansion proposal. Interesting bit is that--and as always feel free to correct me if I'm wrong--this seems to be the first time that an expansion effort has openly courted fan input.
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