24 November 2010

Perspective is always nice

I've been having some nice email convos with Bryan Chambers, the Herald-Dispatch's City Hall writer. He says that, contrary to my own interpretation, nobody in city government is actively against a hockey team coming around, and that the deal the city would be getting with these bonds is simply too good to pass up.

Why am I simply nodding in agreement? Well I've been down in the trenches on this long enough that I'm forgetting that this is, after all, public money. If it doesn't involve emergency services or potholes, a large chunk of the populace will wonder why the hell it was spent on emergency services or potholes! It's a tricky road, no pun intended.

Does that mean we should let up? Of course not. We still need to let it be known that there is a fanbase that is more than ready to pound down the doors in support of a new hockey team. But keep in mind there are other considerations on everyone's plates. Perhaps it's just my inner diplomat talking here...

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