12 April 2011

The importance of being comfy

Let's begin by reiterating where we stand as far as fixing up Big Sandy Superstore Arena:

1--they have $4.6mil to work with
2--they will first work on seats, then the boiler, then probably look at ice and such
3--because they took the ice work out of the wording for the bond in the first place.

So of course, first up is the seating. And we already have Steve Williams creating a roadblock. Why? Well the arena took two bids for seating. The winning bid was $3.8mil from Irwin Seating, but the low bid was $2.3mil from Hussey Seating. However, the latter is basically the updated version of the same seats that are presently in there and are presently considered inadequate.

Thusly the seating issue has been referred back to the Finance Committee to find "a more coherent matrix for determining the best choice." Or, basically, they're going to try and convince the arena to take the low bid anyway. I'm torn on this somewhat--naturally with that extra mil-and-a-half sitting around, there should be plenty left over for new hockey equipment. Remember, though, that when the hockey infrastructure segment was originally set aside in the bond measure, it was only $300,000. In other words, so long as fixing the boiler takes less than a half-million dollars, the hockey work should be doable anyway!

My personal preference is to have the nicer seats. My stronger preference, though, is to not have this held up unnecessarily...

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